Shared Savings

Beyond the many tools and resources available to CentraState PHO members, the PHO provides a number of shared savings opportunities. These include:

  • The ability to participate in Advanced Payment Models, including ACOs, shared savings models, and other payer-specific models to improve outcomes and streamline efficiencies of care.
  • A shared savings program that includes a per member, per month (PMPM) care coordination fee for PHO members participating in contracts, as well as year-end shared savings with the attributed providers if metrics are achieved.
  • Economies of scale. A larger network allows independent practices to participate in these programs while benefiting from data reviews and clinical protocols/practices aimed at improving outcomes and reducing costs.

Through its shared savings program, the PHO has disbursed significant savings among participating PHO physicians – including specialists and contracted groups. The QualCare 2017 shared savings dispersed among participating PHO physicians totaled more than $91,000.

As our network grows, so do these opportunities!